Just 10 to 30 minutes of sunlight provides vitamin D, boosts your mood and may even help you sleep better
The Beatles once sang, “Here comes the sun / The smiles returning to their faces / It seems like years since it’s been here.” The famous foursome captured what we all know to be true: A sunny day just makes you feel good (especially after a long, cold winter!)
And it’s not all in your head. Sunlight plays a role in your overall health and well-being, says family medicine doctor Charles Garven, MD. So, it’s important to figure out how to benefit from those rays while also protecting yourself from the damage that too much sun can do.
“In general, you typically need much less direct sunlight than you might think,” Dr. Garven notes. “But even 10 to 30 minutes of sun exposure on bare skin can start to impact levels in a positive way.”
Dr. Garven outlines the specific benefits sunshine can bring, plus how much of it you need each day and how to soak it up safely.
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